Hernia Repair: Exploring the Latest Techniques and Innovations

The basic fundamentals for any hernia repair include strongest repair of the defect with least possible discomfort, fast recovery and least chance of recurrence.

With these factors in background, hernia repair has seen tremendous evolution in form of mastering traditional techniques and inventing new surgical options and materials for achieving excellent results.

According to Dr.Kapil Agrawal who is one of the best hernia surgeon in Delhi, India this has been made possible by mainly three factors:

  • Non-tension repair
  • Laparoscopic repair
  • Laparoscopic repair
Non-Tension Repair

About 2 decades back, hernia repair was carried by approximating the edges of healthy tissue around the defect. This means usually the repair was under tension and bigger the hernia defect more are the chances for recurrence.

Nowadays, instead of approximating the tissues, a piece of mesh is positioned and sutured to reinforce the area. There are different types of mesh available in market which include plugs, 3-dimensional mesh, self-absorbing mesh, composite or dual mesh, self-gripping mesh.

Dr. kapil agrawal, who is one of the best laparoscopic surgeons for hernia repair, says that to achieve best results one should not compromise in the quality of mesh. The quality of mesh plays a very important role in determining the post-operative comfort, associated complications and chances of recurrence. You must ask about all the options available and the types of mesh best suited for your hernia repair.

Minimal invasive approach or laparoscopic method

Minimal invasive technique or laparoscopic repair has brought revolution in the management of hernia. Laparoscopic hernia repair in experienced hands yield excellent results. The entire surgery is performed using three tiny incisions. With the help of laparoscopic surgery, bigger size of mesh can be introduced for reinforcement of the defect when compared to conventional surgery. It ensures better closure of the defect, better support to the surrounding muscles thereby minimizing the chances of recurrence. Small incisions ensure minimal pain or discomfort after surgery, faster recovery, early return to normal activities and minimal chance of wound infection.

One must always remember that early intervention is always associated with better results. The size of defect is small and less tissue adhesions are present making repair easier and stronger. It also decreases the chances of conversion to open surgery and might reduce the operating time. Sometimes delay in treatment might complicate the hernia. The hernia can become obstructed and can even strangulate resulting in death of entrapped tissue. It can even prove fatal. Such hernias are usually a contraindication for laparoscopic approach and even conventional surgery is associated with poor results.

Better Mesh Fixation Devices

During minimal invasive laparoscopic surgeries, we require fixation device to secure the mesh. These fixation devices are usually small spiral pins which when fired secure the mesh in its place. These pins initially were made of titanium which remain unabsorbed during whole life time. They can be easily seen on x rays once fired in the body. With better innovations, nowadays mesh can be secured with absorbable pins which get absorbed after 2 months. By this time, the mesh is easily incorporated into the body tissues. The advantages of absorbable pins is lesser pain, lesser incidence of wound infection and better compliance.

Dr. kapil agrawal is performing all types of hernia repair including complex and recurrent hernias. Our team is well experienced to perform both laparoscopic and open hernia repair with excellent results. We are affiliated to some of the best hospitals in New Delhi, India and are committed to provide best results in hernia surgery and best post-operative services.

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