Laparoscopic Hernia Repair: A Guide to Recovery

Laparoscopic hernia repair is gradually becoming a gold standard procedure for management of hernia unless and until some situation make it contraindication. Laparoscopic hernia repair is associated with very fast recovery and this article will highlight some key features during the course of recovery following hernia repair.

Laparoscopic hernia repair is performed under general anesthesia. It means that the patient is completely put to sleep before surgery. The patient regains consciousness immediately after surgery and is shifted to room within 2 hours after the surgery is completed.

The patients are usually discharged after 24 hours of surgery and are allowed to walk gently as much as possible according to comfort levels. It helps in increasing the circulation and speeds up the healing of wound.

Depending upon the surgery, patients can usually start taking bath within 36 hours of surgery.

Majority of patients are advised to start driving in a weeks’ time. However, sometimes we advise to avoid driving for a bit longer time if the hernia was very large. According to Dr. Kapil Agrawal, who is one of the tops hernia surgeons and practicing in some best hospital for hernia surgery, a good and clean surgery with adequate mesh fixation is key to fast recovery and early assumption of normal activities.

The patients are usually advised to avoid lifting weights more than 2-3 kg for at least the first week. Then start lifting very light objects and gradually begin to lift more with time. Make sure to use knees and back while lifting objects rather straining your abdominal muscles. The patient can start lifting heavy objects after 1 month of surgery.

We usually advise our patients to start going for a long walk after 36 hours of surgery. The patients can start jogging after 2 weeks of surgery, running after 3 weeks. Patients can join gym and start vigorous exercise after 1 month of surgery after a final consultation.

Majority of patients return to work within a week. It will depend on the type of surgery you had and the type of work you do. If your work involves a lot of physical activity, you may not be ready to go back before 15 days. Our team will guide you about how and when to resume working.

Regarding resumption of sexual activities, the patient physical comfort is the best guide for restart of sexual activity. Majority of patients can start after 10 days of surgery.

Dr. Kapil Agrawal is one of the best laparoscopic hernia surgeons in Delhi, India. He along with his team is performing open as well as laparoscopic hernia surgery in some of the best hospitals with excellent results. He is also performing single port laparoscopic hernia in selected patients. According to him, the patient must take adequate precautions to avoid recurrence or development of new hernia at some other site. Some of the general instructions that are given to every patient are

  • Lose weight If obese.
  • Eat high fiber foods with plenty of whole grains and fruits and vegetables to prevent constipation.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Learn how to lift heavy objects or simply do not lift them at all.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking can cause coughing, which can make a hernia worse. You must make sure that you must get you cough treated and avoid it for prolonged periods.

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