Gerd Diet for Acid Reflux
Gerd Diet for Acid Reflux

Gerd Diet for Acid Reflux

Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is a surgery used to treat chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, chronic acid reflux, and hiatus hernia. A special Gerd diet for acid reflux is recommended for a smooth and healthy recovery after the surgery. It allows your body to adjust, ensure the operation is booming, and avoid discomfort. Most people return to a regular diet about 4-5 weeks after surgery.

It is essential to realize that everyone is different, and that people progress at their own pace. It would be best to listen to your body’s reaction to the diet. If you feel uneasy, uncomfortable, or heavy, it is better to take a step back and retry the diet later.

  1. The suggested program below is only a guide. It is not an entire list of all dietary options. There is a possibility that certain things need to be added or omitted depending on the surgery and your comorbidities, like diabetes or high blood pressure. One of our specialist nutritionists will see you and guide you through it before your discharge.

You can contact us if you are looking for a specialized and customized diet plan. We can arrange a telephone consultation with our dedicated nutritionists, and they will be happy to guide and assist you. Our team of nutritionists will tailor your 7-day GERD diet for an acid reflux plan and assess the response on a regular basis.

Week 1

Liquid diet: Patients who had undergone fundoplication surgery should follow a proper GERD diet for acid reflux. We usually advise our patients to undergo a liquid diet for the first week. There is a lot of handling of the food pipe and stomach during the surgery. A liquid diet does ensure easy swallowing of food till the swelling subsides and allows easy passage of solids. Examples of liquids include:

    • Water
    • Tomato soups
    • Coconut water
    • Home-cooked juices, especially apple juice or vegetable juice
    • Buttermilk
    • Thin custards or yogurts.
    • Milkshakes and milky coffee
    • Lemon water
    • Ensure that a liquid diet is taken at the rate of 150 ml/ hr.
    • Avoid using straws.
    • Avoid using carbonated or fizzy drinks.
    • Don’t try to gulp liquids at a go.


    Week 2

    Pureed diet:

    After one week of surgery, it is time to try a smooth diet that doesnt require much chewing. It is, however, recommended you eat most of your meals at home, especially if you are trying a portion of new food. Your foods should always be well-cooked, moist, and easy to chew and swallow.


        • It would help if you ate highly nutrition-dense foods (high protein diet).

        • During this week, begin the practice of eating only three small meals a day. Continue having high-protein liquids in between meals.

        • Learn to eat your food very slowly. Develop a habit of putting your fork down between each bite. You must try to chew your food at least 30 times before you swallow. Your every meal should last at least 20 minutes.

        • Shredded egg whites, meats, fruits, and vegetables can be cooked and mashed or put in a blender to create the right texture.

        • Rice pudding

        •  Pureed vegetables

        •  Pureed chicken and fish

        •  Mashed potatoes

        •  Jacket potato (avoid eating the skin)

        •  Bananas and stewed fruits

        •  Soft cheese and low-fat tofu

      Week 3-4

      Soft diet:

      By the end of two weeks, the swelling resulting from the surgery starts to subside in most patients. You should be able to tolerate foods with almost a solid texture. Start with very soft foods with no lumpy bits to ease swallowing.

      Sample soft foods include:


          • Shepherd’s pie and mincemeat

          •  Soft fish

          •  Soft fruit and vegetables

          •  Soft and adequately cooked chicken in plenty of sauce or gravy

          •  Baked beans

          •  Soup

          •  Mashed potato

          •  Baked potato

          •  Scrambled egg or omelet

          •  Pasta

          •  Potato salad

          •  Macaroni cheese

        Some General Guidelines Include:


            • Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing it.

            •  You must aim for small meals 5-6 times a day.

            •  Avoid fizzy and carbonated drinks for at least two months following the surgery.

            •  Take plenty of fluids after the surgery to remain hydrated.

            •  Avoid foods that may cause more than regular bloating of the abdomen or gas formation. These foods include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lentils, and peas.

            •  Avoid using a straw while drinking fluids.

            •  Avoid smoking tobacco or chewing gum.

          At Habilite Clinics, our experienced surgeons specialize in Gread repair using advanced techniques. We offer personalized treatment plans and strive to provide the highest quality of care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss your Gread treatment options.


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