Bariatric surgery has become the treatment of choice for a successful, sustained and significant weight loss. In fact, no other treatment or modality has shown such promising results as bariatric surgery in terms of treatment of obesity and obesity related health problems like diabetes, hypertension, joint pains, asthma, snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. In females, it causes resolution of PCOS, menstrual abnormalities and even enhances the pregnancy rate in obese patients who are unable to conceive because of hormonal disturbances.

For effective and successful results, the experience and expertise of surgeon plays a very important role and one must try not to compromise on this aspect.

Bariatric surgery is increasing becoming popular and many obese patients are looking forward to undergo weight loss surgery for effective weight loss. Weight loss surgeries include a variety of procedures and they achieve results by removing a portion of the stomach (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) or by resecting and re-routing the small intestines to a newly created small stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery, mini gastric bypass). Long-term studies show that the procedures cause excellent weight loss for long periods, help resolution of diabetes, hypertension, joint pains and increases the life span of the patients.

Bariatric Surgery

India especially Delhi has emerged as a very popular destination for people looking for cost effective weight loss surgery. in fact, in Delhi, India bariatric surgery can be done at a fraction of cost when compared to countries like USA, U.K or Australia without any compromise in the quality of surgery, facilities or services. Besides that, food, tourism options, zero language barrier are other reasons that so many people from different countries are coming to Delhi for weight loss treatment.

Even in Delhi or in India, the cost of surgery can vary quite a lot. The various factors which can affect the cost of surgery include the type of procedure or surgery, the experience and expertise of surgeon, the type of hospital and the facilities being offered by hospital and even the room category. Whether the surgery is done laparoscopically or robotically can also make a substantial difference in the cost of surgery.

According to Dr. Kapil Agrawal who is one of the best bariatric surgeons in Delhi, India people should look into each and every aspect while choosing the surgeon and the hospital. They should enquire in detail about the different types of surgery, whether robot assisted is really indicated in a particular case and type of facilities available in a particular hospital. A good post-operative support program with personalized and customized services ensure long term success rate. His team extra ordinary care has led to the achievement of better outcomes and improved quality of life for hundreds of obese patients visiting India for their surgery.

Dr. Kapil Agrawal and his team are conducting surgeries at Apollo group of hospitals (Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Sarita Vihar and Apollo Spectra Hospital).

Depending upon the type of hospital, type of room category, whether the surgery is done laparoscopically or robotically, Dr. Kapil Agrawal and his team are offering various range of packages.

Cost of Bariatric surgery in India

The package of sleeve gastrectomy starts from Rs. 220000

The package of Gastric Bypass starts from Rs.260000

The package of Mini Gastric Bypass starts Rs.260000

The package of duodenal jejunal Bypass starts from Rs. 275000

Dr. Kapil Agrawal and his team offers a fixed and final package after complete evaluation of the patient, assessing his current medical condition and if the patient has any additional medical or obesity related health problem. He always ensure that the surgery is conducted in a standard institution, with standard protocols and standard safety care measures.

For the best bariatric surgery in Delhi, India kindly contact his team at +91-9910024564 or drop a mail at [email protected].